KIX brings together 89 low- and middle-income countries that are partners of the Global Partnership for Education to identify common policy challenges and facilitate knowledge sharing and evidence building. KIX currently funds 77 projects across these 89 countries. Click through the countries in the map to learn about the work that is being done in each country.



  • Ce que fait le KIX
  • Ce que fait le KIX
  • Ce que fait le KIX

KIX is designed to be shaped by the demand from national education systems and respond to their principal policy and programming challenges. KIX both funds research and facilitates knowledge sharing among country stakeholders to enhance their education systems using relevant evidence and actionable research.


Aranaputa Nursery School, Region 9, Guyana.

Across the world, disruptions to education have steadily grown, with increasing rates of natural disasters, conflicts, climate change impacts,…

A teacher with students in South Sudan.

The significance of high-quality teacher education and continuous professional development programs as key factors in the educational system,…


This year, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) made …
LEARN Plus is a 3-country research project (Cambodia, Laos, Tanzania) led by Plan International that aims to study the…