Event Highlights: Regional Launch of KIX EMAP Extension
On Thursday, 28 September 2023, the KIX EMAP Hub held its Regional Launch of the second phase of work. Participants from across Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, Asia and the Pacific attended this event to welcome new countries to the KIX EMAP Hub and learn about the changes in the Hub’s second phase of work with national education systems of the EMAP region.
The event started with welcoming remarks from Moira Faul, Executive Director for NORRAG, the organisation that hosts the KIX EMAP Hub. Margarita Lopez, Senior Program Specialist, GPE KIX at the International Development Research Centre, then spoke about how the KIX extension will continue to support applied research in the EMAP region in her presentation “Consolidating Learning and Exchange – KIX Extension in the EMAP Region.” Javier Luque, GPE Country Team Lead, followed with his presentation “Catalysing Transformation in Education, GPE 2025” about GPE’s system transformation approach.
The KIX EMAP team went on to present “KIX EMAP in the 2.0 Phase”. Gita Steiner-Khamsi, KIX EMAP Principal Researcher, José Luís Canêlhas, KIX EMAP Hub Director, and Marina Dreux Frotté, KIX EMAP Education Policy, Evaluation and Learning Lead, spoke about KIX EMAP’s new approach and the changes between these two phases of KIX, highlighting the work the Hub does and the main objectives for this new phase of work. There was also representation from all three KIX EMAP sub-regions, with remarks from the KIX EMAP Knowledge Leads and three selected KIX EMAP National Coordinators. Julia Levin (Knowledge Lead) and Zhanyl Bokonbaeva (National Coordinator, Krygyz Republic) represented the Europe and Central Asia sub-region. Rasha Sharaf (Knowledge Lead) and Visal Moosa (National Coordinator, Maldives) represented the South Asia, Middle East and North Africa sub-region. Amy Crompton (Knowledge Lead) and Nuong Nguyen (Interim National Coordinator, Viet Nam) represented the Southeast Asia and Pacific sub-region.
The Hub also held Sub-Regional Launches in November with more specifics on the upcoming work in each sub-region.
The Regional Launch recordings are available in English, Russian and Arabic.
See the presentation slides shared by the speakers to learn more.
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