Scaling up sub-national education data value chains in Sub-Saharan Africa

Project Abstract
In many sub-Saharan African countries, education data systems are weak at sub-national levels, hampering timely and effective decision-making. Building on promising sub-national micro-examples of data systems that have been piloted in several countries, this project seeks to adapt, scale-up, integrate and strengthen them to address education activities ranging from enrollment to graduation across three countries in West and East Africa: Senegal, Uganda, and Burkina Faso.
Working closely with different country stakeholders, the project aims to achieve the following outcomes: i) Relevant education sector data that responds to the actual needs of local communities; ii) Enhanced education data systems with child-level and school-level data; iii) Holistic school or sub-national report cards that inform increased cross-country learning; iv) Enhanced education data systems with gender, equality, equity and inclusion indicators.