Scaling-up innovative gender, inclusion and safeguarding approaches in education: Evidence from Malawi, Uganda and Ethiopia
Project Abstract

This project aims to mobilize evidence on how to scale practices enhancing gender equality and inclusion, including what incentivizes or impedes them, across Ethiopia, Malawi and Uganda. It builds on four interventions previously implemented in these three countries aimed at strengthening gender equality and inclusion and safeguarding in education programming. These include professional development of teachers, school leaders and supervisors; school performance review and improvement planning; national education standards; and community participation. These interventions, currently at varying stages of scale-up by the governments in question, seek to address the intersecting barriers that girls, children with disabilities and other marginalized children face in getting a quality education.

The project’s general objective is to contribute to the understanding and improvement of scaling practices that improve gender equality in education at local and regional levels. Specific objectives include generating knowledge, mobilizing and disseminating knowledge, and strengthening knowledge and capacity of stakeholders (including educational government staff) on the effectives scale-up of projects that improve gender equality and inclusion in education.

The overarching research questions focus on the factors which influence government decisions to scale-up specific interventions, on the quality of interventions carried out after the end of the initial support to pilot the innovations, and on how scale-up can be improved in the future. 

Project Stats

Implementing Organizations: Link Community Development Malawi (Lead), Centre for Educational Research and Training at University of Malawi, Robert Owen Centre for Educational Change in the School of Education, University of Glasgow
Project Leader:Harold Kuombola
Implementing Countries: Ethiopia, Malawi, Uganda
Duration: 36 months