A Multi-Modal Approach to Teacher Professional Development in Low Resource Settings

Project Abstract
There is an urgent need to address the gaps in the professional development of teacher educators and teachers in Maldives and Nepal, particularly in response to the requirements of the evolving educational reforms in these countries. The use of distance learning technologies, action research, and professional communities of practice remain largely untapped opportunities for teacher professional development in these countries.
This project implements elements of two innovative approaches for teacher professional development developed by the Tata Institute of Social Sciences. Designed in and for under-resourced and developing country contexts, they are collaboratively adapted to suit national contexts of participating countries. It entails the usage of diverse technologies and modalities that are context-appropriate, combined with action research and social learning through the formation of professional learning communities.
The project uses action research to produce case studies on inclusive distance learning using information and communication technologies. It also analyzes pre- and post- tests to understand changes in knowledge, perceptions, attitudes, and skills, analyzing any differences and implications for gender and other backgrounds. Using comparative data, this study generates knowledge relevant for improving the quality of distance teaching and learning in developing country contexts. It strengthens capacity of teachers to use technology and professional learning communities to enhance their practices; and promote sustainable teacher professional development approaches.