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Accountability for Gender Equality in Education (AGEE): Bridging the local, national and global

Students from Class 8 study in the computer lab at Marble Quarry Primary School in Kajiado Central on the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya.
GPE/Luis Tato

Project Abstract

Existing methods for collecting educational data are insufficient for revealing the extent and depth of gender inequality in education and the intricacies and diversity of local conditions. Disconnections between available and needed data, and between diverse local contexts and national and global planning processes, impede the potential for addressing inequities through knowledge, policy, and practice. 

This project aims to address some of the disconnect and lack of communication that exists between different ways of thinking about gender, the groups that promote these approaches, and the practices associated with global, national, and local data generation and use in the fields of education, gender, and inclusion. Using the Accountability for Gender Equality in Education (AGEE) Framework, the project emphasizes participatory reflection on data selection, gaps, and plans for collecting and evaluating additional data. It draws on feminism, women's perspectives, and an understanding of priorities for data selection and use in education systems. This process aims to connect government departments concerned with social development and local, national, and cross-national venues for data reflection and usage. It seeks to strengthen capacity, cross-sectoral dialogue, and reflection among stakeholders from key government ministries and civil society, including women’s groups, through collaboration in three countries (Malawi, Kenya, and Indonesia), to identify and operationalise optimal scales to collect and review data on gender equality in and through education. This includes creating capacity along the full data-policy cycle, beginning with examining existing data on gender equality in education at each country's local, national, and global levels, identifying missing data, and understanding the significance of these gaps and how to close them. 

Project Stats

Implementing Organization(s):

Project Leader:

Elaine Unterhalter

Implementing Countries:


Main Theme:


36 months

End Date:

Nov 2026

Updates and Activities

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