Strengthening Teachers and School Principals' Capacity for Scaling Innovation from the Bottom Up in the Education System in the Caribbean 
Project Abstract

This project aims to enhance the capacity of local actors (teachers, principals, and education administrators) in Haiti and St Lucia's education system to identify and understand concrete educational challenges, devise and test solutions, and share results with peers and decision-makers. Those elements will enable an innovation culture from the bottom up within the education systems aligned with a threefold goal of addressing social needs, improving key stakeholders' capacities, and using scarce resources efficiently.  
Specific, proven methodologies focused on training key actors to introduce innovations from the bottom up will be tested and adapted to the Caribbean context. The project combines qualitative and quantitative methods with participatory components throughout its different phases. It will also support and inform ongoing national policy reforms in St Lucia and Haiti, as well as regional initiatives, focusing on conditions for effective scalability of innovations and capacity building interventions.  
The project will be led by the Université d´Etat d´Haiti (Campus Limonade), in a consortium with Wilfrid Laurier University (Canada) and the NGO Raise your Voice (St. Lucia). Ministries of Education of both countries have endorsed the project and are expected to be an active partner in promoting the initiative and uptake of results.  

Project Stats

Project Leader:Audalbert Bien-Aimé
Implementing Countries: Haiti, St. Lucia
Main Theme: School Leaders
Duration: 30 months