SUMMA and workshop: What is meant by ‘evidence’?
SUMMA – KIX LAC Hub together with, with the support of the Global Partnership for Education and IDRC, organized a workshop entitled, “What is meant by ‘evidence’? Unlocking the impact of gray literature* on educational decision making.” The event was aimed at representatives of the ministries of education, universities, and researchers from El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, four of the countries that make up the KIX LAC Hub. This workshop is part of the Knowledge Mobilization Cycle and Community of Practice on the Use of Evidence in Education, which aims to promote engagement and knowledge exchange between ministries of education and researchers through the work of and the Guide for broadening the evidence base for educational decision making as a tool.
The workshop provided practical training in the use of the guide to classify, identify and evaluate gray literature, as well as contextualizing it for Latin America and the Caribbean. The main challenges in the search for evidence for education lie in 4 points: 1) access and the need to acquire skills to identify and evaluate the relevance of different sources of information; 2) difficulty in identifying reliable sources; 3) lack of time to gather information and an abundance of resources in English or languages other than Spanish; and 4) fostering a culture of using evidence to inform interventions and incorporate it into decision making.
If you are interested in joining the Community of Practice on the Use of Evidence in Education and participating in upcoming events, send us an email at
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