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Launch of the RCCS Inter-Country Exchange on Inclusive Education

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The KIX EAP Hub, with a group of five public associations from the Kyrgyz Republic, Georgia, Moldova, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan, has initiated an inter-country exchange focused on inclusive education for children with disabilities.

In the context of Rapid Customised Country Support (RCCS), this initiative will span four months, with the objective to promote best practices from inclusive schools and civil society organisations among the participating countries.

The RCCS program will entail rigorous analytical work within each participating country and comparative analysis across them. Integral to the exchange are two study tours scheduled for September 2023, with visits planned to exemplary models of inclusive education in Georgia and Uzbekistan. Each delegation, inclusive of representatives from their respective ministries of education, will have the opportunity to engage directly with these successful practices.

The inter-country exchange represents a valuable opportunity to foster a more comprehensive understanding of inclusive education. The anticipated outcome of the exchange will be the development of national databases containing comprehensive material on relevant organisations, institutions, and outstanding examples of inclusive education practices. This will aid in supporting a more accessible, equitable and effective educational landscape for children with disabilities throughout the participating countries and beyond.