KIX Online Submission System
The online submission system for the KIX website and bulletin is now complete! Through these forms you will be able to submit content to promote through the KIX bulletin as well as content for the News, Events and Blog sections of the KIX website. On these forms you will find out the process and criteria for developing your submissions once you select your language preference. At this time, we're only accepting submissions in French or English but they will be hosted on the website and bulletin in French, English and Spanish.
For the Bulletin and News/Event submission request forms, you can submit your text and accompanying photos directly through the forms. At this time, we are only accepting news/event item submission requests from KIX-funded projects.
For the Blog submission request form, we first ask that you provide a short summary of the blog and once it is approved, we will provide you with all the guidelines you need to develop your blog or tailor an existing blog post.
Please click the links below to access the forms:
- Bulletin Submission Form
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Blog Submission Form
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- News Submission Form
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Event Submission Form
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- Only open to KIX-funded projects
- KIX Library submission form
- Please consult the "About the KIX Library" guide to learn about the criteria for submissions
- Only open to KIX-funded projects