Deep-Dive: Preventing and responding to school-related gender-based violence in Malawi

October 18 2023 08:00 am - October 20 2023 05:00 pm CAT
Event flyer

From October 18-20, the KIX Africa 19 Hub, led by UNICEF ESARO, will host a two-day visit to Malawi to provide participants from South Sudan, Uganda, and Zambia with the opportunity to learn more about Malawian school-related gender-based violence (SRGBV) policies and the steps that Malawi has taken to prevent SRGBV. 

Malawi has made significant progress in addressing the root causes of violence against children, including poverty, gender inequality, and harmful social norms. In particular, its work with the Safer Schools initiative has helped to strengthen the capacity of schools and communities to prevent and respond to violence against children. 

The initiative has also developed a number of training modules that other countries can use to create safer schools. These modules cover a range of topics, including child protection, gender-based violence, school safety, conflict resolution, and social-emotional learning. 

The tools developed around Safer Schools in Malawi could be valuable resources for GPE KIX partner countries that are working to create safer schools. The initiative has a proven track record of success, and its training modules can be adapted to the needs of different countries and cultures. 

The objectives of the visit are to: 

  • Learn from Malawi's experience with the Safer Schools Initiative and provide a platform for participants to share best practices with each other in defining and implementing policies and interventions to prevent SRGBV. 
  • Build the capacity of Ministry of Education technicians and UNICEF staff to expand and improve gender-based violence interventions in and around schools in their own countries. 
  • Promote and support joint planning between the education and child protection sectors on the subject of SRGBV.