KIX Africa 19 Hub 2021 Annual Newsletter

So far in 2022, the KIX Africa 19 Hub has exchanged knowledge and information through activities such as the KIX national dialogue held in Ethiopia and engagements with KIX focal points. As we excitedly continue our work with a wide array of events planned for the rest of the year, we would also like to share our 2021 annual newsletter to acknowledge and celebrate our collective achievements and milestones so far. Check out the KIX Africa 19 Hub Annual Newsletter 2021 here.
More than 1,000 educational stakeholders attended more than 25 different learning activities to discuss
- strengthening learning assessment systems
- improving teaching and learning
- strengthening early childhood care and education
- achieving gender equality in and through education
- leaving no one behind
- meeting the data challenge in education
We share our gratitude for our partners’ continued involvements to strengthen knowledge and innovation exchange with us.
Follow us on Twitter to keep updated on Africa 19 Hub activities and stay tuned for our first newsletter of 2022 to be shared on Friday, April 18th, 2022.