Relevance of school-based mentorship and support on mathematics teachers’ competences in Tanzania: Stakeholders’ perspectives

Relevance of school-based mentorship and support on mathematics teachers’ competences in Tanzania: Stakeholders’ perspectives
Journal Article | Florence Kyaruzi, Katherine Fulgence, Patrick Severine Kavenuke, Perpetua Urio, Rehema Japhet Mwakabenga, Betweli Oziambo

This study examined the relevance of school-based mentorship and support on mathematics teachers’ competence in nine regions of Tanzania. A total of 700 (46 percent female) educational stakeholders - mathematics teachers and tutors, secondary school students, and other educational leaders participated in the study. The findings indicated that over time, stakeholders’ understanding of mentorship and support was improved. Furthermore, the findings highlighted that teacher mentorship and support improved their knowledge and skills, promoted teachers’ attitudes towards mathematics and improved students’ performance in mathematics. The findings call for improved school-based mentorship and support practices to improve teacher practices and promote students’ performance.

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