Landscape Mapping Study Report of Afghanistan

Landscape Mapping Study Report of Afghanistan
Research Report Non-Peer Reviewed | Mr. Charles Olaka Kesa Mr. Mohammad Sadiq Dehzad Mr. Rohullah Rohany Mr. Mohammad Tahir Ismat Mr. Fazal Shah Karimi Mr. Ikramullah Mukhlis Mr. Anwarullah Sadat

The Multi-Modal Approach to Teacher Professional Development in Low Resource Settings project May 2021- Feb 2024 is jointly implemented by the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan (SCA), the Villa College (VC) of the Maldives, that also serves as the consortium lead and the Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) of India as the primary technical advisor. Through the Landscape Mapping Study, the project aims to help us to identify the strengths and potential challenges/risks in implementation of TPD interventions, influence policies, practices, and ignite further quest for research in distance Teacher Professional Development (TPD).

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