The reversal of the ban on new mothers returning to school in Tanzania signals an opportunity to drive greater equity and inclusion in schools. Despite the annual release of Basic Education Statistics, minimal analysis of disaggregated education data
In most African countries, decentralization in the education sector has included devolving components of policy and management functions to district, and even to school levels. For instance, learner enrolment and teacher deployment responsibilities
El Salvador's educational reform and the Partnership Compact developed with GPE give central importance to early childhood education and transitions to primary education. This project aims to develop learning tools and teaching practices to support
The kindergarten curriculum implemented in Ghana in 2019 promotes inclusive teaching practices and purposeful play. However, teachers in Ghanaian classrooms often utilize Western pedagogies and resources that ignore the cultural assets of various
Education inequalities can start from early childhood, including exclusion from community and educational spaces, insufficient provision of care and education programs, and discrimination against girls. To address these issues in Guatemala and
In many sub-Saharan African countries, education data systems are weak at sub-national levels, hampering timely and effective decision-making. Building on promising sub-national micro-examples of data systems that have been piloted in several
The integration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) into Early Childhood Education (ECE) has garnered significant interest in providing early exposure to key skills such as creativity, inquiry, problem-solving, and teamwork
In Sub-Saharan Africa, efforts to improve teaching quality and learning outcomes have led to increased investments in teacher education. However, in some low- and lower-middle-income countries such as Tanzania, Kenya, and South Sudan, teachers
To teach effectively, teachers need strong knowledge of both content and pedagogy. That knowledge, along with strong teaching skills, must be developed during teachers’ pre-service education. In Nigeria, the curriculum of pre-service teacher
Prevailing negative social norms and stigma around adolescent health, self-care and safety perpetuate harm that disproportionately affects girls’ schooling and learning trajectories. Puberty is a critical stage when social norms begin to shape
The implementation of policies and programs to reduce violence against children often faces challenges. In August 2023, the Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECRT) issued a ministerial regulation to enable and
Over a third of Rwanda's young people are not enrolled in education, work, or training. This is especially true for girls, who have fewer opportunities to develop skills or engage in economic activities. Despite comprehensive education reforms in
This project focuses on enhancing education in Bhutan through data-driven decision-making. In addition to the centrally administered Education Management Information System (EMIS), many schools in Bhutan have recently started implementing Motherboard
The African Union, in partnership with the KIX Africa 21 Hub, organized a new meeting on EMIS from December 3 to 5, 2024, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Representatives from Burkina Faso, Burundi, Guinea, Mali, the Central African Republic and the
On Wednesday, 27 November 2024, KIX EMAP hosted Webinar 21 on Climate Change and Education in Southeast Asia and the Pacific. The webinar was attended by over 170 participants from the EMAP region and beyond. José Luís Canêlhas, KIX EMAP Hub Director
From 2020 to 2024, GPE's Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), in collaboration with Canada’s International Development Research Centre (IDRC), has supported applied research projects that prioritize gender equality, equity and inclusion. This
How GPE Knowledge and Innovation Exchange is supporting the scaling of promising or proven innovations that address education access and retention for out-of-school children and youth.
“Digital education and artificial intelligence are key levers for transforming our education systems. Let's unite our efforts to tackle this decisive turning point together” — Mr. Moustapha Mamba Guirassy, former Minister of Communication