On 31 March 2021 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM (CEST/Geneva), the KIX EAP hub will host a webinar on the topic of “Scaling Impact: An Introduction to Achieving Impact at Scale”. The webinar is organised by NORRAG and…
The sharing and exchange of knowledge with and among countries is one of the key functions of the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge Innovation Exchange (KIX). As GPE’s chosen mechanism to support and…
The recent study carried out by the KIX Africa 21 hub has made it possible to provide information on the priorities put forward in the 21 partner countries. Among the four priority themes identified, the first…
The 9th webinar by KIX EAP hub will cover the topic of “Using ‘Evidence’ in Educational Planning and Management”. This webinar is organised by NORRAG in collaboration with UNESCO International Institute for…
On Thursday, June 24, 2021, the KIX Africa 21 Center and the ImaginEcole project are organizing a workshop for knowledge and innovation exchange with the ten countries involved in the project, as well as the…
Learning assessments allow us to measure the quality of education systems and the resulting data provides a basis for developing policies to improve the quality of said systems. A learning assessment system integrates policies, institutions,…
The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) has now been underway for one year. To mark this first year and the progress that has been made, we welcome you to join us for the KIX Symposium: Reflecting on…
SUMMA and The Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) organized the second working group on education with representatives of the Haitian Ministry of Education and Haitian civil society organizations.…