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Research on Scaling the Impact of Innovations in Education

Building Knowledge and Capacity
GPE/Kelley Lynch

Project Abstract

The purpose of this research project is to expand, deepen, and sustain the impact of effective education innovations, especially reaching the most disadvantaged children and young people, leading to transformative change in education systems. A key knowledge gap in improving education systems in low- and middle-income country contexts is how to effectively bring innovations to scale while maintaining the quality, equity, efficiency, and sustainability of their impacts. This project aims to address that gap through action and complementary research.

Working with a selection of KIX-funded projects, the action research will support and systematically learn from their scaling efforts, aiming both to strengthen their results and to contribute to broader learning about scaling. Through the complementary research, the project will identify and examine critical factors that enable or inhibit scaling efforts from the perspectives of national education decisionmakers. Across both research strands, the work will surface shared insights and contribute to the broader evidence base on scaling in education. 

The project will contribute to an understanding of good practices for scaling innovations in the education sector, help to build the scaling capacity of selected projects and educational stakeholders involved in these projects, and advance existing frameworks on scaling educational innovations in developing country contexts.

Project Stats


Project Leader:

Brad Olsen


43 months

End Date:

Mar 2027