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Advancing Children’s Continued Education through Sustainable Scaling (ACCESS)

School teacher Thierry Gbagama, second right, stands outside of a classroom
GPE/Eduardo Soteras/AP

Project Abstract

This project tests and explores how to scale an innovative approach developed in Uganda that was proven successful in promoting school access and retention of out-of-school children and youth. It relies heavily on community members and school staff taking on implementation responsibilities of schools and learning centers. This addresses workforce shortages and system financial constraints in fragile, conflict-affected and violent contexts. However, little research has been done on how to mobilize this workforce sustainably and fairly to meet the challenges of program sustainability and scale-up, and in line with commitments to localization — a growing focus in development and humanitarian settings aiming to promote local stakeholder-generated solutions.    

The research explores what adaptations are needed to ensure the innovation is contextually appropriate, gender-responsive and inclusive as well as sustainable. It will produce a scaling toolkit for the innovations and establish support mechanisms such as technical and community advisory groups as permanent features of school organization and administration during the post-conflict period. The project will be undertaken in the Central African Republic, South Sudan and Yemen. 

Project Stats

Implementing Organization(s):

Project Leader:

Mark Tomlinson

Implementing Countries:

Central African Republic,
South Sudan,


24 months

End Date:

Dec 2026