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New GPE KIX projects to support education in emergencies and fragile, conflict and violence-affected contexts

Bicycles in the courtyard of the Banteay Dek Primary School.
GPE/Livia Barton

The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX) has selected seven new projects from its recent call for proposals for applied research projects to support education in emergencies and fragile, conflict and violence-affected contexts in GPE partner countries.   

Children face particular challenges in emergencies like epidemics, climate change and other disasters, as well as in contexts of fragility, conflict and violence. Sudden and sometimes protracted challenges can layer on top of existing inequalities. This adds up to a growing problem – the number of children who are not in school. UNESCO (2024) estimates that there are 251 million children and youth out-of-school, and many are at a heightened risk of dropping out. Our recent scoping study shows that there is a growing body of research around the unique experiences of out-of-school and at-risk children in fragility, conflict and violence contexts but that additional research is needed. 

The selected projects focus on two core themes:  

  • access or re-entry for out-of-school children and retention of at-risk learners 

  • teacher training and support for work with out-of-school and at-risk children. 

The research explores effective strategies to adapt, scale, and implement promising or proven innovations in effective, equitable, and sustainable ways. It aims to identify what factors enable, incentivize, or impede the scaling of these innovations.   

More information on each of these exciting new projects can be found below, with additional updates on their activities to follow: