KIX LAC webinar highlights: Teaching practices that fosters gender equality

On Monday, September 16 2024, the seminar Education without Labels: Gender Equality Perspective in Teaching Practices in Latin America and the Caribbean was held within the framework of the Community of Practice Gender Equality Perspective in Public Education. Its objective was to promote critical reflection and the exchange of experiences on the incorporation of the gender perspective in teacher training.
At the beginning of the panel, Sebastián Madrid, Senior Researcher at the Crea Equidad Foundation and professor at the Alberto Hurtado University (Chile), addressed various topics, including how gender can be understood as a structure of social relations; how it affects educational institutions and how this affects teaching practices.
Angel Caglin, Executive Director of the Caribbean Innovation & Leadership Lab (CILL), presented the project Capacity Building for Gender Equity and Inclusion in Caribbean Schools which will be implemented by Raise Your Voice Saint Lucia, with the support of the Caribbean Innovation & Leadership Lab. This initiative seeks to examine gender norms that affect teaching, improve inclusive and gender-responsive educational practices, strengthen the capacity of school leaders, and generate collaboration among educational partners in Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Dominica.
Then Nelsy Lizarazo, General Coordinator of the Latin American Campaign for the Right to Education (CLADE) spoke about the role of educational institutions as spaces where power relations that sustain gender inequalities are learned and reproduced. She also pointed out how gender-based violence represents a risk factor that can interrupt educational trajectories.
To conclude the meeting, Germain Anthony, Technical Specialist in Education of the OECS Educational Development Management Unit, stressed the need to address the disparities present in the regions of Latin America and the Caribbean from the early stages, underscoring that one of the key aspects to move forward is the commitment to increased funding for early childhood education programs.
? To watch the webinar: