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How to move forward in translating learning assessments into actions?

The workshop «Deciphering the data: How to move forward in translating learning assessments into actions for educational improvement?»

The KIX LAC Hub, led by SUMMA, in the framework of the Cycle of knowledge mobilization “Use of Evidence in Education”, hosted the workshop "Deciphering the data: How can we move forward in translating learning assessments into actions for educational improvement?", which was facilitated by Carlos Henríquez Calderón, Coordinator of UNESCO’s Latin American Laboratory for Assessment of the Quality of Education (LLECE) and Mar Botero, Knowledge Mobilization and Community Coordinator at KIX LAC. 

The workshop, part of the activities of the second sub-cycle, Promoting the monitoring of student learning: National and international measurements to inform educational improvement, provided a space for interaction and collaborative learning, where participants were able to understand the fundamental processes for conducting different learning assessments and how these results can be used to inform decision making in educational policies and practices at both school and national levels. 

In Latin America, important efforts have been observed for the use of learning assessment results, such as those led by LLECE implementing initiatives to foster cooperation between countries and promote educational improvement through regional assessments These assessments not only provide results to participating countries, but also offer technical support through training and specialized workshops. At the school level, LLECE is piloting the ERCE Escuela project, a diagnostic assessment aimed at third grade students. The main purpose of this assessment is to provide immediate feedback to teachers on their students’ learning level, as well as to offer specific recommendations to improve pedagogical practice within the classroom, addressing the individual needs of students and promoting their educational development. However, none of this is possible without a variety of enabling conditions that allow countries, in advance, to embark on an evaluation process of this type.