Chile received the Education Delegation from El Salvador

Within the framework of the KIX LAC program, technical teams and managers from the Chilean government received the delegation from El Salvador during a technical learning visit, held on December 14, 15 and 16. The purpose of this activity was for the representatives of the visiting country to learn about and experience effective educational initiatives, programs and policies in another Latin American and Caribbean country.
On this occasion, Chile was considered because, in recent decades, the country has made a great effort to strengthen governmental institutions associated with the protection of children’s rights and the provision of quality education at the initial levels, with emphasis on the educational trajectory and the development of various mechanisms aimed at quality assurance at different levels.
During the first day, the Salvadoran delegation was received by the Ambassador of El Salvador in Chile, Dania Tolentino, representatives of the Chilean Foreign Ministry, the International Relations Office of the Chilean Ministry of Education, and by the SUMMA team, headed by its director, Javier González, and the Director of KIX LAC, Raúl Chacón Zuloaga. The Salvadoran delegation was formed by Edgard Abrego Cruz, General Director of Educational Levels and Modalities, and Yeny Rivas, Gender Manager of the Ministry of Education.