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Synthesis Note of KIX EAP Learning Cycle 3 on Integration of 21st Century Skills in Curriculum

Synthesis Report
Anaka Harish Ganesh

Synthesis Note of KIX EAP Learning Cycle 3 on Integration of 21st Century Skills in Curriculum

Resource Type
Synthesis Report
Author(s) name(s)
Anaka Harish Ganesh

As education systems are realizing the importance of 21st century skills (21CS) in preparing students to participate and engage with the modern world, there has been a push to introduce these skills explicitly into national curricula. This KIX EAP Learning Cycle, “Integration of 21st Century Skills in Curriculum,” was designed to guide participants in developing a context-specific strategic plan to further integrate 21CS into their education systems at large and the national curriculum of their respective countries.

This synthesis note summarizes the key findings and traces a few common trends across the case studies produced by country teams.

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