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Best Practices in Primary Education for Improving Retention, Reducing Dropout and Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Extreme Poverty and Rural Areas of Ghana

Policy Brief
Rukayatu Adam, Mohammed Abango and Dr. Leslie Casely-Hayford

Best Practices in Primary Education for Improving Retention, Reducing Dropout and Enhancing Learning Outcomes in Extreme Poverty and Rural Areas of Ghana

Resource Type
Policy Brief
Author(s) name(s)
Rukayatu Adam, Mohammed Abango and Dr. Leslie Casely-Hayford

This policy brief explores best practices for improving retention, reducing dropout and enhancing learning outcomes in extreme poverty and rural areas of Ghana. The evidence shows that there are several best practices, within the context of student- and teacher-level interventions, that the government can adopt to address the out of school children situation leading to enhanced levels of participation, retention, and learning outcomes.

Research/Policy Think Tank
Scaling Education Innovations
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