Education for empowerment: Unpacking the role of quality learning in Africa’s skills evolution and gender equality

GPE is organizing a side event on the margins of the Africa Skills Week 2024 aiming to ensure that quality basic education for all children, especially girls, remains a central focus alongside technical and vocational education and training (TVET).
The Africa Skills Week 2024, hosted by the African Union (AU) in Accra, Ghana, from October 14 to 18, is a pivotal event of the AU Year of Education. The week will address the pressing need to equip Africa's youth with relevant skills to thrive in an ever-changing economy.
By focusing on "Skills and Jobs for the 21st Century: Quality Skills Development for Sustainable Employability in Africa", the week will bring stakeholders together to discuss challenges and opportunities in enhancing youth skills and employability across the continent.
The GPE side event will examine how investing in foundational learning leads to better TVET readiness and improved outcomes in skills acquisition. It supports broader goals of Africa’s development agenda and empowers more girls and women to become successful employees and entrepreneurs.
The event will bring together experts to discuss the synergies between foundational learning and skills development, emphasizing the importance of ensuring all African Children, especially girls, have access to quality education from early childhood through to vocational training.
Moderator: Edwin Ikhuoria, Senior Partnership Specialist, GPE