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Book Launch - The Rise of Knowledge Brokers in Global Education Governance

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book cover
Anouk Pasquier

The event will be conducted in English. Interpretation in Arabic, French, Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish will be available. Automatically translated closed captioning in various languages will also be available. 

NORRAG and the KIX EMAP Hub, with the support of the UNESCO Chair in Comparative Education Policy from the Geneva Graduate Institute and of Gottesman Libraries, Teachers College, Columbia University, are organizing an online event on January 22nd marking the official launch of a new book covering knowledge brokers in education governance. 

Programme for the event: 

  • Opening remarks 
  • Editors’ presentation 
  • Panel 1: Institutional Logics and Efforts in Knowledge Brokerage 
  • Q&A 
  • Panel 2: Local Contexts and Inequalities in Knowledge Brokerage 
  • Q&A 
  • Closing remarks 

The event is opened to all, it is however necessary to register using the form below. 

Register now 

How do policymakers orient themselves in an era of surplus information?  

The book, The Rise of Knowledge Brokers in Global Education Governance, presents a multidisciplinary investigation into the growing influence of knowledge brokers and how they utilize evidence to support education policy and planning. Contributors examine key actors’ roles and strategies, contextual influences, and implications for equity and inclusion in the education sector, giving voice to experts in academia, institutional think tanks and intergovernmental organizations. Illustrating brokerage concepts through distinct cases, it demonstrates that institutional approaches are markedly different, and highlights the ways in which knowledge brokers have been repurposed to bring about social change, signaling a noticeable shift in the global discourse on education governance. One chapter of the book outlines principles and practices for knowledge brokering supported through the Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (GPE KIX), a joint endeavor with the International Development Research Center (IDRC), and their application in regional knowledge-sharing KIX hubs and applied research. Another chapter reflects on the role of the Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) Europe, Middle East and North Africa, Asia and Pacific (EMAP) hub as a knowledge broker, drawing on the cases of Kyrgyzstan and Moldova.

Access the book 

Access to the chapter on knowledge brokering supported through GPE KIX