Country Review Challenges and opportunities in the education system of Saint Lucia

This report provides an analysis of some of the key features of the education system in Saint Lucia. It also highlights the current needs and challenges within the system and provides evidence-based recommendations that can strengthen education provisions, and by extension, the educational experiences for every learner.

Scaling innovative elements of a national education online platform in Uzbekistan

The case study "Scaling innovative elements of a national education online platform in Uzbekistan" is a knowledge product of the first KIX EAP Learning Cycle on "Feasibility Studies on Scaling Innovation". In this study, a team consisting of national education experts from Uzbekistan set out to explore the feasibility of scaling a national education online platform, 'Edu Market', developed by the Ministry of Public Education to expand the knowledge base on scaling innovation in education. 

Cost-effective options for enhancing transition and progression of hard-to-reach populations in basic school in Ghana: Complementary basic education (CBE) model and formal education system

The issue brief compares the value of Ghana’s Comprehensive Basic Education (CBE) programme versus the cost of formal schooling. The findings show that current costs in the programme are 21% less than those in the regular system, indicating a cost saving potential in upscaling and transitioning CBE to public budget.

The 2021 KIX Symposium

The Global Partnership for Education Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX), a joint endeavour between the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), hosted the Second Annual KIX Symposium on November 9, 2021. The purpose of the event was to share updates on progress made in the second year of the initiative, address upcoming KIX priorities and dive into two important education priorities from a regional perspective: early childhood education and teacher professional development.


KIX brings together 89 low- and middle-income countries that are partners of the Global Partnership for Education to identify common policy challenges and facilitate knowledge sharing and evidence building. KIX currently funds 77 projects across these 89 countries. Click through the countries in the map to learn about the work that is being done in each country.



  • Ce que fait le KIX
  • Ce que fait le KIX
  • Ce que fait le KIX

KIX is designed to be shaped by the demand from national education systems and respond to their principal policy and programming challenges. KIX both funds research and facilitates knowledge sharing among country stakeholders to enhance their education systems using relevant evidence and actionable research.


A young girl writes on a chalkboard.

Gender equality in and through education has improved over the last two decades as a result of empowering girls through their voices, actions and…

National actors contribute to the KIX Maldives National Uptake Forum.

Despite the wealth of data available at local, national, regional, and global levels, policy makers still face challenges in contextualizing and…

A teacher works with his student

World Teachers’ Day is a moment to reflect on how teachers are transforming education and to recognize their work as key figures in shaping the…


This year, the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) Knowledge and Innovation Exchange (KIX) made …
LEARN Plus is a 3-country research project (Cambodia, Laos, Tanzania) led by Plan International that aims to study the…